Abuse, sexual, mental, physical, it doesn’t matter what kind of abuse, whether it is man against woman or woman against man, should never be accepted in any way shape or form...
With these idiots doing what they are doing to people are laying down a dangerous path...
When someone is abused and needs to tell someone, there has to be people opened minded enough to listen to the facts, investigate and go from there; from what is happening now is very dangerous to the people that are being abused, have been abused for not coming forward...
I agree there are people out there that do this like it is ‘a joke’ but abuse in its many forms are not funny...
It’s time that we all start acting like adults and teach our children that this behavior is not acceptable...if you can’t tell your mother, friend, husband, boy friend, then there is something wrong...
Back in my days of growing up it was ‘well she asked for it, look at the way she dresses, and all that make up she wears’ well that isn’t always the case for abuse, there are greater things going on with the person doing the abusing than the person being abused...
Parents: Listen to your children, and go from there and get to the bottom of what is going on should one of your children come to you with something like the forms of abuse...
It are not funny?