There is something fundamentally strange about the “people” who live in Minnesota. They have been a point off the curve for a half-century at least. Just look at their “political choices,” a veritable freak show of Marxists. Can you say Jesse Ventura or Al Franken for openers. Then there's there "buddying up with a flock of Somalis," allowing them to become cops and carry guns who shoot innocent Australian women. I had a good friend who was originally from Hibbing, MN. He used to say regarding Hibbing, that it's motto is: "The Closest Thing To a Fishes A$$ is a FInn." I guess there are a lot of Finns in HIbbing. Who Knew!
Lots of northern MN old school Lutherans that vote D no matter what. No matter what. Along with the Minneapolis and Duluth entitled.
Like New York State, the midlands are more strongly conservative, but they just don’t have the numbers.