If this were really true, why did Dems just win VA, NJ, and DeCommieBlasio? I just listened to Brit Hume talk to Tucker, how depressing that was!
Apparently, according to the poll, it's at least 96% true (as much as any poll with +/- 3.6% margin of error represents a fluid snapshot of polling reality). It's also 100% irrelevant. Why, you might ask...?
Because you are asked to make conclusions while only having been provided less than half the information needed to make them. Here is some more of the information from the polling data, see if it might change anything (from Poll: Dem favorability drops to lowest point in 25 years - TheHill, by Rebecca Savransky, 2017 November 07) :
The GOP fares even worse in the poll, with only 30 percent of Americans polled having a favorable view of the Republican Party. That's compared to 61 percent who have an unfavorable view of the GOP. Forty-one percent of conservatives have an unfavorable view of the Republican Party. Forty-two percent of independents have an unfavorable view of both parties, according to the poll. A majority of Americans, 51 percent, think it's not good for the country that Republicans control Congress, compared to 38 percent who think the opposite. <>ul>About one-third of liberals have an unfavorable view of the Democratic Party.
Hope it helps clear up a few things.