I have a word for those who put proverbial words in my mouth, but I digress. I never wrote “communist.”
But unless you’re a lefty-lurker, surely you are familiar with the terms rhino & progressive...
I consider both more evil than far-lefties; at least the lefties have the balls to show their colors up front.
You wrote "progressive" which equals communist. Same thing.
If neither Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz nor Hitlery herself can tell the difference between a democRAT and a socialist, I'm sure they also can't tell the difference between a communist and a progressive....can you?
unless youre a lefty-lurker, surely you are familiar with the terms rhino...
I'm familiar enough to know that "rhino" refers to a large land animal, found in Africa, which has a huge horn protruding from its nose, and the proper term "RINO" refers to a fake Republican...or Republican In Name Only....that's how familiar I am.
And don't call me Shirley.
Now back to my question, an example of a communist "on the right"?