How can you guys handle having lefty spouses? I would be too turned off. I do have some apolitical liberal friends who are really more ill informed than dogmatic communists. Maybe that is the situation in your homes.
It’s possible that such matchings happened before going for a conservative mindset. In which case, well, the conservative “For better, for worse” would apply.
“How can you guys handle having lefty spouses?”
My hubby and I have been married 31 years. I am Jewish and
he was raised Catholic. On one of our very first dates, he
asked if I would answer him honestly about a very serious
philosophical question. I was nervous but I agreed to be
completely honest.
He asked me about my political leanings. Oy, I said to myself. We live in Massachusetts, so here comes the end of
what seemed to be a nice relationship. I swallowed and replied, Republican - strongly republican. (Keep in mind
this was during the Reagan years and republican wasnt the uniparty it is today).
His reply, Excellent!! Great news! So am I and we both know
mixed relationships dont work! So 31 years, two wonderful children and two grandbabies later here we are.
We both miss the Reagan GOP though.