“Could todays military pull off D-Day”
Unfortunately, we don’t have the machine tool industry today that made an Arsenal of Democracy possible in the 1940’s. No Arsenal of Democracy, no invasion, no crusade and no victory.
War would never again be waged as it was in the 1940’s.
A few M1 A1 Abrams & a squadron of Wart Hogs could likely do the same damage today as a Division did back in the day.
Worse than that, two Arley Berk class destroyers nearly sunk. Our military personnel are not war ready. Not for that kind of dogfighting. The couple of army people I know are both tipping the weight scale and really great at their daily jobs, even better at spending hours on the internet finding funny stuff.
One of those is my son. I talk to him often and sometimes about readiness training. He.he can barely pass a pt test.
I don’t know what the army is training them for, but it isn’t d-Day.