May the lot of them fall in the pit they have dug for the rest of us and that sooner than later.
Lord, God Almighty--Yehovah, According to your priorities, preferences and chosen methods--PLEASE remove the following wicked creatures from the world stage and at least from access to media:
--RINO Graham
--Billdo Klintoon
--all the Socialist/Communist supermouths routinely spewing delusional idiocies
--all the other corrupt, traitorous RINO's.
--all the corrupt traitorous media talking heads and admin
--all the other Commie, globalist traitors Chuck Norris would love to get a very effective grip on or kick to.
These are the days of the 70th Sabbath, so this garbage is to be expected.
All “kingdoms of men” will be destroyed in the aftermath of the Day of Trumpets in 2024. Be Patient, Yehova has a plan.