Weinstein is not merely a massive Democrat donor and Hillary supporter, he has been super close to the Clintons for many years.
When the Clintons chose their "summer home" to rent for 3 weeks in the ritzy Hamptons, they chose to reside NEXT DOOR to Harvey Weinstein!!!!! Right frickin' next door..... now does anyone believe they made this decision without Harvey's guidance and direction????
That of all the homes in the Hamptons they just happened to plop down next door to Harvey Weinstein?? Granted, it was only for a 3 week summer stay, but I will bet my fortune (the one I don't have) that Harvey Weinstein and the Clintons are peas in a liberal pod. There were Wikileaks emails between Harvey and Hillary's staff about movie showings and so on. We've got to dig out everything on this connection. Hillary just surrounds herself with scumbags, doesn't she?
hat tip to this thread on Reddit which is where I saw the “neighborly” connection of Hillary and Harvey....
[I’m not ready to go in for all the “Pizzagate” allusions in that thread just yet, although Harvey Weinstein clearly is some kind of perv... but his interest seems to be masturbating for young adult women in the 20s, not minors, so far as I have heard about online.]
Wonder if that creep was on Lolita Island with the Clintons? Perverts of a feather stick together!
Bubba and the Witch chose to move their summer home next door to Harvey because he has a big heart ... and he was willing to share some of his bimbos ... with both of them.