We need reform. Trump is suggesting "cuts" (rate changes.)
We now officially have three political parties. The Conservatives, the Regressives and the Cowardly Lying Party.
It’s time for the Conservative party to break away from the GOP.
Getting rid of deductions is a HUGE reform. I happen to think it’s not going to happen but the money in Washington could largely dry up without deductions. The well connected have all sorts of deductions because they are explicitly written in by the politicians who get lobbied heavily for it. If that didn’t exists that would be a huge win and a major reform. That shouldn’t be in doubt.
That’s what I’ve been saying. I could give a crap about cuts. I want change. Period.
The Democrats have the balls to pass out and out change legislation. They can raise taxes as high as they want. The Republicans don’t have the guts to legislate real change. They just tinker around the edges of everything the Democrats have done.