Viking Kitties you are needed here. We have been lax lately. Do your duty.
As soon as the Daily Caller put out the article on Trump accepting the Dem proposal for DACA, Trump’s communications people should have been all over the lie. Instead they let it go on for two days.
What about Cahn going to a global warming meeting at the UN?
Is this true? I wish Trump’s communication people would reassure us that the Climate Change agreement is not coming back to life via Cahn meeting.
1. Now we have Nancy, Chuck U, and Trump’s press corps all saying they have no deal, and what was discussed DID NOT INCLUDE THE WALL.
2. Trump has reiterated today he is moving forward on the Wall.
3. I’ve stated repeatedly that I (agreeing with Rush here) don’t think Trump wants to deport/arrest people who will be seen as “kids.” I know what many here think, but I’m dealing with reality. No politician wants to be in charge of thousands of Elian Gonzolez type photos. That doesn’t mean they won’t go. I’ve tried to explain this too: the marijuana legislation in part is is designed to make sure that any “Dreamer” that has a drug conviction goes. So, upshot is (this is me):
I THINK TRUMP WANTS TO LET THEM STAY, but as he has said over and over, “it must be done leee-galll-y.” In other words, you need a bill.
4. That means Congress. Several have told me they don’t think it could pass the Senate, but I don’t think a DACA bill can pass the House without major, major concessions (RAISE, the Wall). But Trump just took the Wall out. Bad, right? No, in my view better.
I think a majority of Rs WANT to pass a DACA bill, but are terrified of their voters. They WANT THAT COVER of Wall funding or Raise to allow them to say, “Well, we fought & got the best deal we could.”
Trump has now taken that away. So he has positioned them as having to do ALL the heavy lifting, take the highest risks, and pay the biggest price. If they water it down sufficiently, they might survive politically, but I doubt it. And I think they know it, which is why I predict the House defeats it narrowly.