I do get it, I’m just not nearly so vested as some appear to be in catastrophizing every hurricane that comes down the pike. To me, that’s crying wolf and it’s also playing into the hands of the climate change alarmists who are seeking to politicize every single weather event as well as the hysterics of the MSM seeking higher ratings. There were people fleeing out of fear who were not even in any sort of evacuation zone, I ran into several way up here in NC near the VA border, from the Space Coast. That’s a bizarre waste of time and money on their part but it was motivated by panic, a deliberate panic. That is not good, and you will never get me to say that it is. People are going to stop taking evacuation orders seriously, too, because something is just wrong with the windspeed projections. This is not the first time this has happened.
Once again, YOU JUST DON”T GET IT. This was a Cat 5 a hundred miles south of Florida and forecast to come into Florida as such. You have the luxury of post-casting. Any fool can do that.
This is an information Thread.Please start a new thread.
Excuse me but your comment is bullshit. The space coast evacuees’ homes were hit by probably close to a foot of unrelenting rain over just a few hours, then once the ground was well saturated, the hurricane and tropical force winds came. For 6-8 hours.
Los of missing and damaged roofs, whole blocks of residences flooded, fences torn up and blown away, and now no power.
It’s “not much damage”, unless it’s your stuff. Will they be seeing you down there, helping them clean up and make repairs?
It can’t take to long or be much work for you, since you already know how little damage the hurricane caused. Maybe you’ll even have time to go help the folks in central Florida who “just” got some water and wind damage.