These people are beyond crazy! Who really comes up with this crap? I suspect maybe this is invented to keep the pot stirred.
And I agree about who owns who in my house. I go to work while my dog gets to stay home and do as she pleases. She gets to have a day of beauty once a month - I don’t. She doesn’t have to worry about where her next bowl of kibbles are coming from or about keeping up the roof over her head.
“These people are beyond crazy! Who really comes up with this crap? I suspect maybe this is invented to keep the pot stirred.”
No, they believe it. There are a lot of blacks filled with hate that will chill you to the bone. Look in the rants and raves section on Craigslist for any large city. Absolutely disgusting! It has been taught on purpose. What they don’t realize is that while only a small percentage of whites owned slaves in the early part of US history, roughly the same percentage of the same people (Democrats) still own them.