It’s true that Christian groups, especially those that defend Christian rights, are HATED by the Left (which includes SPLC & CNN).
The FBI DROPPED the Southern Poverty Law Center three years ago as a source because the SPLC is a biased hate group.
“Choice of Victim’ doesn’t make one group a hater and another not... it’s bias and tactic and truthfullness OR NOT....
SPLC is worse than most of the groups they groom to fulfill the fantasy of their liberal elite donors...
Check out CraigsList - liberal elite thugs are hiring people around the country to pretend theres a big movement...
Corrupt liberal elites have decided THEY should make the call on who runs the country - and predictably enough they have chosen themselves as the people who must take up the mantle. The mobs are hired to give the optics that the country agrees with them. Hitler used the same tactics in the early years before he took over power.
Duly elected doesnt matter to the elites ... Liberal elites and some Conservative elites want to steal the power of the people.
Theres no country run by self appointed elites that hasnt devolved into a hellhole. Coups by elites dont work. The justification that they are bravely standing up to about 4,000 people in the country stupid enough to be Nazis or KKK members - when those groups are TOTALLY POWERLESS IN OUR TIME - IS NUTS.
The time when those groups - Nazis and the KKK - were at their most evil was when THEY WERE THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THEIR TIME.
If five people walk up to me and tell me they are Stalinists - Im NOT going to freak out thinking theyre the same as the group that starved over seven million people to death. WHEN STALINISTS DID THEIR EVIL THEY WERE THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THEIR TIME.
Our liberal establishment is using mentally ill losers who self identify in our time as KKK and Nazi as an excuse to do evil to our county. Hitler used Jews to gather the mob to his side... Jim Crow Southerns used Emmitt Til and others like him... and OUR CORRUPT ELITES are using mentally ill idiots self identifying a hate group members from the past.
Corrupt Elites are the people we must fight... the Establishment elites of our time who are working to take away our freedom to choose our own leaders. Theyre the problem of this time...
Corrupt Elites who are using the same tactics of every other thug group in history...
I dont want mobs taking down statues. I dont want the mob to run anything. I dont want people who work to gin up the mob running the country. I dont want elites or members of the press who think its OK to lie if its for the cause... Too many red flags on the left...