Yes, Anti-Fascists Are Violent ... and Necessary (the left excusing their violent hate groups) is as Rush Limbaugh said today - the left as usual has set itself up as moral arbiter for the country, assert essentially that they are morally superior to all who disagree with them and that whatever they believe is morally justified, and that therefore they have a right and a duty to suppress any and all who oppose them - they are anti-American because they reject the fundamental principle on which the country was founded: that people of differing opinions and values live together peacefully by getting to elect leaders who will work to resolve those differences rationally, and that all will respect and abide by until changed lawfully those resolutions
The communists loved to excuse the violence they perpetrated on the way to power by saying "you have to break a few eggs to make an omelet" - the question is: who said we wanted omelets to begin with?????......