Oh please.. were you an only child or something?
Children will and do stupid things, always have, always will, no matter how “proper” their upbringing... a proper parent recognizes a teachable moment when it occurs.... so that it is less likely to happen again, but if you think for one minute that this is somehow a statement on society as a whole, you are reaching.
Yes, they shouldn’t have done it, but guess what, there isn’t an adult alive who grew up with siblings who can say they never did anything stupid to or with them.... Difference was there wasn’t videotape of them doing it back when they were kids.
“Difference was there wasnt videotape of them doing it back when they were kids.”
No there wasn’t,but these kids MADE the videotape and then posted it for publicity,and laughs.
Two things, one this was not a matter for the police. Two, it only becomes a matter because of the lack of effective discipline in the home these days because of the interference by the state in the proper rearing of kids. Even if we had done something like this when I was a kid, we would have welcomed the involvement of the police because there would have been nothing they could do which would have been worse than what my parents would have considered.
My brother tied me to a garage door rhen he was 12 and I was about 3. I’m sure my mom told him to make sure I didn’t leave the yard.
I did stupid things, plenty of them. I did things that I knew were wrong.
However, and IMO this is a key point, I was aware they were stupid and wrong so I did not make certain that the whole world knew about it.
This is not a minor distinction. These kids have been taught that there are no consequences for stupid behavior. The fact that they universally broadcast this is the proof that they have little understanding of right and wrong. They didn’t conceive of the sh1tstorm that would follow broadcasting the incident.
OK, so they thought it was a no big deal prank. But what they should have realized is that most adults wouldn’t see it that way. They did not. And that is a very bad thing.