P.S. This will really endear Trump to young voters.
The tussle between the states and the Feds on the issue isn't unique to Sessions or Trump.
Also, Trump earlier this year signed the temporary budget extension which included an extension/affirmation of the RohrabacherFarr amendment in it, thus continuing it until at least September.
“P.S. This will really endear Trump to young voters.”
You’d almost think Sessions was trying to torpedo Trump’s chances in 2020. /s
After 8 years of treason and lawlessness with no justice, we now have a unconstitutional special counsel appointed to go after Trump—>Sessions is responsible for this coup.
He’s a deep state rat mole and he’s REFUSING to step down. Let that sink in...
Didn’t Marilyn Quayle once say that “Not everyone demonstrated, dropped out, took drugs, joined in the sexual Revolution”?
It seems that the common thought today is that everybody back in that generation was drug induced and worse. It’s not true! In fact I think when I was in high school it was about about 10% of the students who were stoners and the rest were just regular students who did their homework dressed nicely and were there too further their education and open up College opportunities. Today what the media portrays is an unseemly crowd that really has no aspirations other than to get high and live a parasitical existence. I think that’s a very sad commentary Indeed.