Cancer doesn’t respect bravery... and McCain should not be forced to feel he didn’t ‘fight’ hard enough. He’s got an aggressive fast moving cancer - possible caused by cell phone use. He doesn’t need to carry the burden of letting down people who believe in him.
“Risks after Prolonged and Heavy Mobile Phone Use”
“If exposure to RF fields through mobile phone use were tumorigenic, people using mobile phones longest and those who were the heaviest users would be expected to show the highest risks of brain tumors.”
Skipping to the conclusion of this article....
Conclusions: Although there remains some uncertainty, the trend in the accumulating evidence is increasingly against the hypothesis that mobile phone use can cause brain tumors in adults.
I have had three people I am close to die of Glioblasts. Each were excessive, heavy drinkers of diet soda which contains aspartame. Aspartame has been a suspect in brain cancer for years.
Melanoma is known to metastasize.