yeah that makes no sense, why would sweet innocent children get beat to death by devils or get horrible cancer?
That’s a hard one to think about for me also. It makes me feel SO human and I cannot see what God sees for these little lives. I sometimes feel the child receives something from a parent in the womb, given to the child. I believe Satan is behind this as God wants us well from birth to death but we introduce ourselves to worldly ways and sin often, even when wanting to be holy. Satan wants us and will try and take what we most love to hurt our relationship with Christ. In whatever situation we are in, from birth to death, we and those around us must pray that Satan leave our life/lives. There IS a battle going on in the heavenlies.
I can tell you that personally we experienced premature twins who were not expected to live. Through prayers of thousands and a believing medical staff, at every point of danger prayers were asked for. For almost two years they were in their church bulletin for prayers and we are blessed with healthy 5 year olds who know the Lord and ask us Jesus questions all the time! We’ve seen miracle after miracle with them and will not let them forget it!!
I hear the same question said about very faithful Christians of all ages. Whether sickness of physical, mental or such things as divorce. Sin is something that makes us cry and also God.