Anyone read Avik Roy here? or heard Betsy McCaughley on Lou Dobbs last Week? Avik spilled the beans, it made Medicaid means tested via the angled "ladder" to overcome the barrier the was in the prior version and frankly combine that with the Exec-Orders and $ for Direct Primary Care trials in the new bill ( again via Avik Roy ), it had IMHO the ability to transform Medicaid ( and other programs ) to potential free market options at the State Level which would forever change things for all of us for the better. Betsy said while it has the tax added via the Senate it still got rid of the mandate and employer mandate. You take your victories where you can and go on. These guys gave up the fight... It is time to get rid of the 17th and or go back to an old fashion Filibuster. Not to mention it is time to endorse Matt Bevin ( President Trump if you are listening ) because Mitch didn't get it done.
Worse I get that The economy can't rebound with the milstone of Obamacare around our necks, it was the foundation of the Fundamental Restoration of this country and they kneecapped it, and by extension the Trump Adminstration. For what? So they can run Jeb! or his Mini-Me Rubio in 2020? Seriously they all need to go play shuffleboard. They can't surrender the power, shame on them all...
Rubio won’t be eligible in 2020, 2024, 2028, 2032 or ever.