OP clearly doesn’t know jack about the issue. Disposable article as it’s shallow answers attempting to address deep water.
Irrelevant. Tell me again the justification as to why my hard earned money should be taken form me at gunpoint and spent treating people who make a conscious decision to abuse drugs.
He's absolutely correct. You don't "catch" an addiction, you decide to become an addict when you start down the path of abusing drugs
It isn't at all deep or complicated. People make a conscious choice to abuse drugs. Like the author said you don't catch drug addiction from a mosquito bite. You CHOOSE whether or not to go down this path, and frankly I have no patience with someone using my hard earned money to treat addicts.
My money represents part of my life of which I only have a limited amount. Treating addicts with tax money means that you're saying that the taxpayers' lives are worth less than the lives of addicts. Sorry (not really) - just ain't so in my book.