Generation Z was witness to “Gamergate”, is aware of MGTOW and “The Red Pill” theory. Watches alternative news and discussion sources like Stephen Crowder and Stefan Molyneaux. They also grew up on the internet and aren’t fooled by Share Blue troll types.
Al Gore is going to rue the day he invented the internet.
There is a Nationalist, Populist, Skeptic, Alt-Right Movements rising in America, not Republican.
Republican versus Democrat.
I don’t care.
The Uniparty of Ryan and McConnell and those who support their leadership replicated at state and local level time and time again.
The pretend to support Trump or openly take potshots at him like Ryan did over Trump’s criticism of the MSNBC hosts last week.
I voted for Trump and I voted for a few candidates with R’s next to their names in recent elections.
Frankly, I wrote in names other than R candidates and in some races didn’t vote at all.
Millenials are doomed to become a generation of dysfunctional hippies marooned on a demographic island.
Is this like the ‘natural conservatives’ invading from Mexico I was force fed during the Bush years.