Public school teachers are laughing all the way to the bank; despite news stories about teachers “leaving the field”, I have never met an ex-teacher here in NJ (unless they retired). They are our new upper middle class, while the rest of the middle class has been destroyed. We have a huge inventory of unwanted homes in NJ because people have caught on to the fact that they are just renting these homes from the teachers’ unions - and will be evicted when they can’t pay the “rent” (mortgage).
I know many that have left the field.
My wife views it as a vocation, a calling. She is fighting for what she believes in.
It will wear her down. One day, she will say “I’m done” and walk away. Most of her fellow teachers do it for the three months off.
Pass/Fail records have to do with future school funding. When the graduate levels, due to poor grades begins to show, the possibility of defunding and/or closing the schools surfaces.
Now we can’t have that, can we? Thus the new rules: “Create more graduates, save the schools (our jobs)”. Forget that those graduates have to function in the real world.