Someone, please take his phone from him. This kind of back and forth diminishes the man and the Presidency. He’s the leader of the free world and he should be above the fray of fighting with talking heads with miniscule ratings. That is why there are surrogates. Every time he does this he shrinks to their size.
Yours is the old fashioned way and it doesn’t work. People just naturally equate an unwillingness to fight back with being guilty as charged.
I haven’t YET seen any of his people take a serious stand and push back at all against PERSONAL attacks made on the president as these two have made and on a DAILY basis.
This is a new era, Pa. Surrogates are diminished when standing next to Trump. There is simply no way they can leave a mark. Mika is no lady.
Mika and Joe have been begging for a mark. They got it today. Mika then replied in kind. She likes rolling around in the mud, especially with the POTUS. It makes her think she has acquired the professional credentials of her deceased father. As for Joe, he follows suit, follows Mika and is a toady for her mood swings.