YOU need to read that. It’s in Acts 8. I just read it earlier today. He told Philip he didn’t know what Isaiah meant and so Philip helped him. This was why Phillip was sent to him, so that the Eunuch could ultimately start the church/spread the word in Ethiopia.
>>YOU need to read that. Its in Acts 8. I just read it earlier today. He told Philip he didnt know what Isaiah meant and so Philip helped him. This was why Phillip was sent to him, so that the Eunuch could ultimately start the church/spread the word in Ethiopia.
And so what is your point?
>>YOU need to read that. Its in Acts 8.
I have read it. Why don’t you read Acts 8:30-31 and explain it to me. Because as I read it Philip ask the Ethiopian if he understood what he was reading, and the man said “how can I unless some man should guide me.”