If it happens, and I'm under the impression that it could very well happen, it will be the fault of the godless, immoral behavior of the American public and government that would be to blame. You can't kill over 40,000,000 babies and not expect to get punished for it.
Also, the Cascadia Subduction Zone!
Just the yellowstone Caldera would destroy all of North America, and totally screw up the rest of the planet.
Don’t forget the Cascadia Fault.
I live in western Washington and have had been warned about Mt. Rainier and another possible from Mt. St Helens. I have done a study of them and also Yellowstone when I visited there.
I guess the best way to determine the estimated size of the Yellowstone event, would be to compare it to a more modern event that we measured. I kept the local events out and tried to cover the large term effect and kept all the measurements in American standard.
Mount St. Helens is a volcano located in Skamania County, in the state of Washington, United States. The eruption (a VEI 5 event) was the only significant volcanic eruption to occur in the contiguous 48 U.S. states since the 1915 eruption of Lassen Peak in California. However, it has often been declared as the most disastrous volcanic eruption in United States history. The eruption was preceded by a two-month series of earthquakes and steam-venting episodes, caused by an injection of magma at shallow depth below the volcano that created a large bulge and a fracture system on the mountain’s north slope.
An eruption column rose 80,000 feet (15 mi) into the atmosphere and deposited ash in 11 U.S. states. Less severe outbursts continued into the next day, only to be followed by other large, but not as destructive, eruptions later that year.
As the avalanche and initial pyroclastic flow were still advancing, a huge ash column grew to a height of 12 miles above the expanding crater in less than 10 minutes and spread tephra into the stratosphere for 10 straight hours. During this time, parts of the mushroom-shaped ash-cloud column collapsed, and fell back upon the earth. This fallout, mixed with magma, mud and steam, sent additional pyroclastic flows speeding down St. Helens’ flanks. Later, slower flows came directly from the new north-facing crater and consisted of glowing pumice bombs and very hot pumiceous ash. Some of these hot flows covered ice or water which flashed to steam, creating craters up to 65 feet in diameter and sending ash as much as 6,500 feet into the air.
Strong high-altitude wind carried much of this material east-northeasterly from the volcano at an average speed of about 60 miles per hour. By 9:45 a.m. it had reached Yakima, Washington, 90 miles away, and by 11:45 a.m. it was over Spokane, Washington. A total of 4 to 5 inches of ash fell on Yakima, and areas as far east as Spokane were plunged into darkness by noon where visibility was reduced to 10 feet and 0.5 inches of ash fell. Continuing eastward, St. Helens’ ash fell in the western part of Yellowstone National Park by 10:15 p.m. and was seen on the ground in Denver, Colorado, the next day. In time, ash fall from this eruption was reported as far away as Minnesota and Oklahoma, and some of the ash drifted around the globe within about 2 weeks.
During the nine hours of vigorous eruptive activity, about 540,000,000 tons of ash fell over an area of more than 22,000 square miles. The total volume of the ash before its compaction by rainfall was about 0.3 cubic miles. The volume of the uncompacted ash is equivalent to about 0.05 cubic miles of solid rock, or about 7% of the amount of material that slid off in the debris avalanche. By around 5:30 p.m. on May 18, the vertical ash column declined in stature, but less severe outbursts continued through the next several days.
So worrying if we will get to the Yellowstone eruption is the last move. According to Yellowstonepark.com, the last eruption of the Yellowstone caldron, about 640,000 years ago, was estimated at 2500 times the power and ash flow of Mt. St. Helens.
Thinking this, that means thousands of square miles of blacked out skies and destroyed crops from the ash normally used for a huge amount of the US foodstuffs. Food animals will die and the availability of food for US alone will be destroyed. This will cause a volcanic winter that will make at least two thirds of the US uninhabitable.
Nothing to eat, drink or live in. You do the math.
And while you’re at it, you might consider the chaos it will caused when foreign countries, those that can’t start to feed themselves already, get cut off. Some of those wingnuts are nuclear capable and stupid enough to do it. Welcome to revelations.
Also don’t forget the fault in the canary islands and the potential for a tidal wave several meters high on the east coast. There’s already news graphics for it.
“If it happens, and I’m under the impression that it could very well happen, it will be the fault of the godless, immoral behavior of the American public and government that would be to blame. You can’t kill over 40,000,000 babies and not expect to get punished for it. “
I can almost feel you rubbing your hands together.
Now if they all happened at one time.....
I’m sorry, but not everything is tied to abortion.
If so, countries where abortion has been legal for much longer than it has been here would have been destroyed.
Abortion is horrid, but this is an issue of geology, not morals. As I said, there are other problems in the world, and not everything is driven by abortion.
The Biblical consequence for nationally legalized child sacrifice is invasion and conquest. I learned a new word today...Maruna
It was the Babylonians back then, spaniards more recently in SA, Puritans and others in the 17th century. Yes, Native Americans practiced.
Revelation shows God’s compassion. He gave the Egyptians 10 plagues to listen. Each being worse than the last. I don’t think He would want to start all over again except through the Great Tribulation and the Coming of Messhiah.