Is it your testimony that the north fought a war they did not want to abolish slavery that the states of New York, New Jersey, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Delaware and Maryland voted to enshrine into the U.S. constitution?
Like you, I would jump at the chance to believe this exculpatory explanation if I did not know of the mistreatment of black people in northern states before Lincoln's War.
And during Lincoln's War.
And after Lincoln's War.
Like you, I would jump at the chance to believe this exculpatory explanation if I did not know of the mistreatment of black people in northern states before Lincoln's War.
As bad as conditions for blacks in the north were, and I grant you that they were pretty bad, they were better than conditions for blacks, free and slave, in the south were. In the North they could get an education, could vote in some states, were not legally prohibited from working in some industries, and were looked on as citizens of the U.S. Regardless of what Taney said.