One of the inspectors noted how often the tenants would disarm the alarms more times than not. And the stairs for escape were riddled with peoples suitcases and belongings. Additionally they often used appliances etc. in ways they shouldn’t. Further they removed the directions for escaping in case of fire...
I understand this was public housing...(Council housing) and many were refugees, foreigners etc from third world countries where they are accustomed to being told what they can and cannot do...independent thinking is new to them. So deciding to leave the complex was not something they could do...too many ‘waited’ for instructions.
I actually saw a video of a ME women “inside” her apartment videoing the flames, who had just flared some....on the outside....she’s filming that while there’s smoke clearly in her could hear people in the hallway tell her to leave and she refused.
Many of these people also have great expectations of how their host country ‘has to’ treat them. They were promised certain things by the pamphlets their home country put out to them if they left. .....which was propaganda to get them to infiltrate Western nations.
At any rate...third world people are not in a place to complain.....if they don’t like where they live then they should do like all the rest of the people do....move somewhere else. Unfortuately these people are used to getting what they want by demanding it....compulsive complainers, which many are, makes it hard to tell what is really serious and what isn’t.
Thought provoking. Have the same worry about massive numbers of Easterners arriving on our shores who have a cultural history opposite to Western Civilization where free will and independent, rational thought was its basis (see tagline).