There’s a big difference between being adversaries and being enemies. Adversaries can work together on shared interests, enemies want to annihilate one another. Neither Putin nor any other leader can be blamed for putting his nation’s interests first - that’s what leaders are supposed to do. Sometimes those interests will align with America’s, sometimes they won’t. Both Trump and Putin understand this Realpolitik - liberals and neoconservatives who want a utopian, globalist New World Order do not.
Very well said. We were speaking about term limits last night and the effect of 4 two year terms as max for congressmen; amend senate to 4y terms and limit to two as well. All have max. of 8 years. All senators vote same time as president.
Only midterms would be house members, and no more senate 50 vote tricks. Consider cutting lifetime app’ts for SC.
Also spoke about returning mandatory draft for two years. Punks are learning nothing from parents or teachers. Military would help some with discipline, respect and maybe even job skills.
Hamilton said that with nations there are no permanent friends or permanent enemies.