That's the same link from the posted article.
Every number in the posted article comes from that link.
Re: “Shows a clear trend line roughly half of Husseins numbers.”
Sorry, that's incorrect.
Unless Obama renewed and accepted new applications at a HUGE rate during the first 14 business days in January, Trump is renewing and accepting new applications at the same rate as Obama.
Total Approvals (Oct-Dec): 122,051
Total Approvals (Jan-Mar): 124,799
“Sorry, that’s incorrect.”
It is correct. New quarterly aps are down almost 5000 from the previous quarter, and down by almost half of Obama’s 2016 quarter average.
The devil is in the details. You need to account for aps in the pipe and there are a lot of them. Obviously processing is taking longer than the posted 90/120 new/renewal timeframes or there wouldn’t be three times as many new aps pending as were accepted.
Also encouraging are the denials are up and the pendings are taking longer.
Again. The second quarter numbers will give us a much more accurate picture. The rush to get in under the wire is over and Trump’s policies will have had time to take root.