Her actions can be expected based upon the fact that if she had parents stupid enough to give her that cutesy name they also had other issues with stupidity in her upbringing. Not much reality in her name.
The article from The Intercept (which I have never heard of) contains a diagram of the supposed connection to the “GRU” which is supposedly the Russian government spy agency. The diagram says a green line connects parties based on “confirmed information” and a yellow line connects parties based on “analyst judgement”. There is a yellow line between the GRU and the source of the supposed hacking. So this whole article is saying that someone has a hunch about a connection to the Russian government. So it is speculation, why is this news? More likely this NSA document is a fake which was intentionally leaked to this “Winner” to see if she would make it public, and she did.
The winner here is Trump, as usual.