So, we paid through the nose to be taken? Or at least democrats did? Yikes - there's no end to their stupidity...
So, we paid through the nose to be taken? Or at least democrats did
= = = = = = = = = = = = =
You had it right the first time.
WE pay for it all, those fools just throw it around like a bunch of drunken sailors (SORRY drunken sailors everywhere) in Olangapo PI or some other exotic Far Eastern Port City.
I still say the way to cut costs is to pay each of them say 2 or 5 mill a year and let them pay their own expenses INCLUDING staffs...they can hire their mother, father or whatever but lodging/coach fare in DC for 1 official trip per year, pay rent for 1 residence (with a cap), no chauffeur driven vehicles, term limits, NO job with influence on Government Decisions for at least 5 years
etc etc etc
Take ALL the perks away and you won’t see people spending 10 million for a 2 year stint as a Congressman.
Make it unlucrative(sic) enough and the crooks and slugs may have to go out and get a JOB....
Like HST (reportedly) said....
One thing if you were hiring Harry because of his skills NOT because he can get you something for nothing etc
(close - not quite a quote)