A lot, I’m sure.
The guy is right that coal my not be able to compete with NG
Trump said he would get rid of the regulations that made it impossible to
use coal...
Let the free market work
Power plants like to have two sources of energy
Many just have coal as a back up
Is the search to post an article working???
I was going to post the same article
“Good Morning, I’m the carbon credit salesman, and we understand that you want to build a plant in lower Slobovia. You’re in luck, we just bought a manufacturing plant in Iowa and shut it down, and we have 100,000 tons a year of carbon credits for sale. If you give us a long term contract for your fossil fuel needs, we’ll give you a long term contract for carbon credits at a modest discount. We commend your efforts at improving the economies in the developing world, and we have an anonymous offshore affiliate that can help you get permits (don’t want a repeat of what happened with a certain multinational oil company in Kazakhstan 20 years ago).”
Long term carbon credit sale = asset on supplier’s balance sheet
Long term petroleum sale = asset on supplier’s balance sheet