Al Green is FOS.
Anyone that believes one word that jackass says is a complete fool.
I wouldn’t be surprised if he was the one making the calls. Fake as always.
Too bad there’s not an IQ test to run for office. Great way to clean the swamp.
Too bad there’s not an IQ test to run for office. Great way to clean the swamp.
Getting nasty replies from people has always been part of the job of being a political figure. He should know everybody is not going to like or agree with him especially when there are so many nuts running loose these days.
He’s hiding behind his color and allowing an exploitive media to use it. At least these callers didn’t suggest burning him alive naked in a cage as some of the religion of peace people favor. Or it doesn’t sound like South Africans who tend to favor machetes and “tiring” and burning people alive either. This “get a rope” incident sounds like one of those rare old southern slave owners or his family members might have gone off the government plantation again. I could go on but I am treading on racial issues and dancing around the subject of diversity which are out of bounds these days.
This skunk politician should man up and realize threats will come with the job. He is not the first politician to be threatened or his sanity questioned. He is certainly not the first of his color. What is he and kisses from the right and left. Or can’t we all just get along stuff from the sixties maybe. Perhaps unicorns and rainbows everywhere. Me thinks he needs to wake up and smell the roses. The swamp is slowly draining and he will need a rope. How he uses it will determine whether he survives.
BTW, in the old days we, the people, used to accuse our politicians and lawyers of having a yellow stripe running down their backside. Oh, how terrible because we knew they knew how we dealt with skunks back then. Yes, history seemly does repeat itself when people do not learn from the say. past. When they start hanging and shooting politicians then we have only history to blame.
Peace.... for blessed are the peacemakers.
I don’t doubt that he has been threatened, if he says he has been threatened, he has. But what he is not telling is that the callers were all Democrat Party plants. I do not believe that a single Conservative or Republican has called him and threatened him.
It would not be lynching when the sub-human communists are properly tried, convicted, and executed for treason.