I I looked in the mirror this morning, and I think I’m better looking since FR is back up.
Well I’ll not lie, I am super glad to see FreeRepublic back up. I gripe sometimes and for sure there’s plenty more out there on the web.
So let me take a moment and say what I really like about FreeRepublic.
Can’t get a better layout for posts. There isn’t a web site out there that is as easy and simple to read and follow as FreeRepublic.
I think the comment section and methodology is above par. I like that you can hit a code and it takes you back to who you are commenting to. So much better than Facebook, which confuses me to a gnarly end.
I would not change the front page or the comment area but I’d consider getting an “ignore” key and for sure factor in the ability of people to delete or edit their own comments.
Having to get an admin moderator is a bit of a pain when the system hiccups and posts five bazillion of the same post.
Not really a big deal but since you asked.
And lookit, if Bloggers are not allowed, or whatever this “Vanity” thing is....why not just disallow them? Maybe make people sign up for the ability to make such posts? Is sending out a grump to be mean and nasty the way to go on this?
Anyway, I quite enjoyed the FB time span, getting to see pics of other Freepers, learning about them.
I do contribute every year to Fr as it’s worth it for the simplicity and excellence of the design.
I know nothing about cloud drives or databasis but if money is a factor why not just charge people to use the system that assurance is made to have needed funds?
Just some thought from one who means well.