I don’t think she’ll win this time around, but she will surely win the next time.
I’m waiting for Marion Le Pen, she seems to be the star of that family. Not French Revolution secular like Marine.
There won’t be a next time—if she loses, France is kaput.
If Macron wins, the next election will be won by someone named Mohammed.
A vote for Macron is a vote for the status quo. The French (and I speak French, have been there multiple times and follow their politics via the web in French) love them some shit that someone else paid for (i.e. free shit). The French will not give up their free shit until they are forced too, just like the French Army could have put Hitler down in 1936, when the Nazi’s broke the Versailles treaty. But the did not and counted on others to do their bleeding and dying for them. In 5 years when the next French presidential election is scheduled will be too late for LePen and the French will be muslimized. At that point they don’t get to immigrate here because they will bring the same disastrous policies with them that screwed up their country. And I’ve got a military age son that I refuse to put at risk for their sake. They had the chance and blew it again. Twice in the last 100 years we’ve repaid their help from our Revolution. No third time. “Apres moi, le deluge.” is their motto. Ours should be “Don’t tread on me.”
It will be as Kek wills it.
Too late.