In the meantime his own party doesn't fund the wall, funds planned parenthood, funds NPR, hasn't passed tax reform and hasn't fixed Obamacare. I think DJT is attacking the wrong people.
So many entities to needle... so little time.
I expect Donald to greet Congress’s proposal with a cool “Nope.”
President Trump has practically NO allies in Washington DC - no DemocRATs, no Republicans. Nor does he have anyone in the media who will cover him truthfully. Fixing Washington is like the Fifth Labor of Hercules (clean the stables of King Augeas).
It was obvious this Saturday that the press are his enemies. Not going to that stupid event, and having a competing event of his own was a stroke of genius on Trump's part. Calling them out was another bold move.
What would you do instead to people who control the media and want nothing better than to see you fail?