And never let us forget that her Waterloo began during a speech before an LGBT group ie a roomful of people who are routinely advertised as tolerant and open-minded.
Despite their self-issued reputation, they booed and hissed and applauded wildly as Hillary derided at least 50% of the population for the smug, miniscule 2% of the population.
Math is hard. Especially for Shrunken Head Barbie.
Excellent Comment!
Excellent Comment!
Perfect synopsis in two sentences!!
Then wrapped it up with, “Math is hard.” Perfect!
...” Hillary derided at least 50% of the population”....
Yes and more....but this is actually how many elites do think of our society. We are the deplorables who have not excelled via the corrupt ways and means they’ve attained their positions of power, but somehow they believe we need their advice or assistance on how to live. When in fact it’s simply rules and regulations to enable their way of life.