It has been so enjoyable chatting with all of you. Red Sox are rained out (its New England you know) soooo my book is calling and I’m signing off for tonight. Will be back 5-6 A.M. checking in with my coffee. Isn’t it great that I can pretend to be sleeping until I smell the coffee hubby has started??? He probably wouldn’t drink my coffee if I made it. He likes to think he is a master chef and I LOVE to have him think that.
You are a smart cookie!! Enjoy your book and enjoy your coffee, in the a.m.
Good night.
Nighty- night, enjoy reading and see you tomorrow.
Obviously you have him well trained! He chain saws wood and makes coffee - he’s a keeper!
Mine chain saws too - I think it is very manly. I love the smell of oil and gasoline. Diesel fuel too. Mine makes coffee - but just for himself.
I won’t see you at 5, more like 8. I’m still on California time. But there are some early birds here. I wish I was one - and would have a better chance at it if I’d go to bed at a decent hour! I get my 2nd wind at 10, ready to unpack or paint or vacuum. I’m not too popular doing that ;(