At some point people must deal with the fact, that homosexuals are after your kids. NAMBLA was once very open about their goals of accessing little boys. NAMBLA is still with us, but the name has changed and the goals expanded. Marriage is only one side of the issue with homosexuals. The other multi-billion dollar issue is the adverse effects on public health and the children that are abused by the NAMBLA members hiding in the closet. Male homosexuals have the highest incidence of HIV/AIDS, syphilis,
drug-resistant gonorrhea, entamoeba histolytica, chlamydia, herpes simplex II, Chancroid, Drug Resistant TB, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis non A & B, just to name a few. Since I have worked in public health for years I know
too much about diseases and what constitutes today’s Typhoid Larry. It is not the pretty innocent picture of the innocent dancing fairy presented by Hollywood and the old media.
There’s a church north of SF where the priest is “married” to another man, and this church is a mainstream Protestant denomination. They have adopted several kids — all boys.
God help those kids.
What’s NAMBLA’s new name?