Many young people with good college degrees cannot even find work after graduation and there are people who were laid off that can’t find work for a year or more. It is the economic way to circle the wagons for a family and live together until such time that the kids find work. I don’t think that anyone in that family is enjoying the situation. I know that at my church we pray for the unemployed that they may find work and I have been approached by tearful parents with the request to pray for their unemployed son/daughter.
I don’t think anyone takes this as good news, but after a few years of MAGA and putting American first, hopefully the trend will have reversed and opportunities will again exist for everyone who wants a job.
This is just another aspect of Obama’s legacy.
The photo is a classic depiction of exactly what is happening; it could pass for the worker bee hives used by our imported Asian white collar workers - and that is no coincidence. Our standard of living is falling to meet the rising standard of Asia’s growing middle class; we just haven’t reached a balance yet.
I’ve posted on other threads that we’ve moved to an economic model where people will work their arses off with no hope of retirement, renting homes and cars, and they’ll die with the clothes on their back and a mountain of debt from trying to attain our former standard of living.
Many young people with good college degrees...???
Many of today’s colleges don’t graduate needed and qualified people just a whole lot self centered liberal pussies that don’t know how to contribute to society, just take from society.
Society needs a reboot to get back to reality.