Guess you would have been happier if we had not removed the weasel Eric Cantor (who would have voted for Ryancare) so that the Uniparty eunuchs could have passed Rubio’s amnesty in June of 2014 as planned to clear that issue off the table for Yeb! and there would have been no President Trump.
We need more conservatives in Congress, not less.
“Guess you would have been happier if we had not removed the weasel Eric Cantor (who would have voted for Ryancare) so that the Uniparty eunuchs could have passed Rubios amnesty in June of 2014 as planned to clear that issue off the table for Yeb! and there would have been no President Trump.”
You used a lot of words to create that non-sequitur.
Believing the FC didn’t have to support Lyin Ryan for speaker does not equal supporting Cantor for anything. Not believing the FC is a paragon of conservative values & principals does not equal being anti-conservative. Rejecting false choices doesn’t equal acceptance of bad choices.
What we need in Congress is conservatives who can GET THINGS DONE for the country. If/when the FC gets the 1 page repeal bill to the floor for a vote then I will reassess my opinion of them.