Trump/Ryan care was a crap sandwich.
Full Repeal bill has already passed both the House and the Senate. It has already be reintroduced. The only reason it doesn’t come to the floor in the future is because someone Ryan or Trump blocked it.
Most of the Trump supporters are win-at-any-cost. Forget the context, forget the legislation, just tweet that Trump got his way and start some MAGA threads. All the while throwing the Conservatives, who recognized this bill was nothing that they wanted or had promised the American people, under the bus.
And Trump did the same with his silly “vote for it or get primaried” ultimatum.
Trump supports the tenants of BOCare, which is why he campaigned on “repeal and REPLACE.” Never just repeal.
I still want him to succeed, but he’s a NY Liberal at heart. That slip will show every so often.
Refusal to eat a Swampcritter-written Crap Sandwich = being a “purist”.
“Purist” is the latest perjorative favored to be applied to actual conservatives.
During the election, there was much discussion and clarification on the Obamacare issue. It was always “repeal and replace”, period. Trump’s stump speech was not repeal only. So full repeal is a bait and switch and won’t pass and only serves as an ideological test that won’t get anything done. We already had years of these gems that didn’t get anything done when we didn’t have the Presidency. We are so practiced at it that we actually think the HFC provided us a victory. Sheesh...