To: thingumbob
I think this bill is going to get pulled under pressure from Trump. That leaves,Ryan with well deserved egg on his face for not bringing the conservatives in the loop to begin with. Ryan just said that it was he who pulled it. He didn't mention that Trump asked for it to be pulled.
Ryan is lying.
To: FreeReign
"Ryan just said that it was he who pulled it. He didn't mention that Trump asked for it to be pulled."Why is it always the astute observations are always end-of-thread where no one sees them? Thinking of changing handle to "StThreadKiller"...
220 posted on
03/24/2017 1:33:34 PM PDT by
(Prosecute the win. Run up the score.)
To: FreeReign
Nothing new there....Ryans been lyin' since the beginning about this bill.
Listening to Jamnity's radio show just ripping Lyin Ryan this failure
223 posted on
03/24/2017 1:34:29 PM PDT by
(I'm a bitter clinger...I dare you to take my gun) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson