This statement makes no sense to me. Is it Fake News?
Obamacare has a proven record of higher and higher costs, higher deductibles, with more than 20 million with no coverage. There are fewer doctors, fewer options, and fewer people who can afford the procedures they need. We were lied to about being able to keep our doctors. We were lied to about being able to keep our plans. Now they are all gone!
We have few if any details on how the new health care plan will really work, other than unsubstantiated claims that it is bad!
NONE of that matters to someone who could get coverage under Obamacare but would lose it due to pre-existing conditions under Ryancare.
People facing death (being uncovered with a condition) really do not give a whit about the constitution, the GOP, free market principles, MAGA or what anyone else has to pay. Without coverage for ANY pre-existing condition, even the fairly conservative people I know will fight this turd like they would a carjacker or rapist - to the death.