Cutting off funds for the NEA will be trumpeted as a “major blow” to funding for “the arts”. That will be a lie.
Progressives would have everything funded 100% by the federal government if they could, and build the bureaucracies to dole it out with all their regulations.
They like to portray what the federal government does as what “the nation” is doing, and any cut thereto as a blow to what “the nation” is doing. When it comes to the “arts” it’s a lie.
Government funding for “the arts” is only about 7% of the total amount provided to the arts by foundations, charitable organizations and private philanthropy. That 93% is more representative of “the nation” than is the money being controlled by the NEA, because it is made with our Liberty, our choices, not government bureaucracies.
It’s not about the AMOUNT, it’s about the FUNDING of a continual slap in the face to normal Americans and the ideals they hold sacred.