Having cared for two dying family members, mother and husband, since the Death Panels issue was raised, I saw NO SIGN of that in operation. When the end was near I was able to discuss the situation in detail with their health care providers and given sensible advise on how to handle their “do not resuscitate” signed orders. They had executed those documents 10 years before they were near the end. Mom died of congestive heart failure when the pig valve she had received at age 78 was failing at age 89 when she was too frail for a second surgery. Husband died of Alzheimer’s when he could no longer swallow easily and lost interest in food. Both wanted to die at home and I had the help of regular hospice nurse visits at the end.
A bit OT: That line really hit me, because that happened to my Dad, except that it wasn't really the dementia: For quite some time all the professional caregivers assumed so, but, the real cause was a hiatal hernia blocking passage through his stomach. I suspect the same thing got HIS Dad.
There's a lot more to it, which I have posted before.
There are a lot of good people still in the health care system in this country, but the system itself is screwed up beyond belief. I don't even think ObamaCare is the worst of it any more, though it certainly worsened many problems at the care giving level: It likely pushed things to the point that correction is going to be very, very painful, if it can be pushed through at all...