To: Pinkbell
Sessions needs to get off his ass and do what Holder and Lynch would do in this situation. Sue the hell out of Hawaii and threaten to withhold all of their government funds. It worked with Arizona every damn time.
5 posted on
03/07/2017 6:13:11 PM PST by
(I tried being reasonable, I didn't like it. - Clint Eastwood)
To: FlingWingFlyer
Ditch needs to nuke Schmuckie and let us see how Gorsuch works out.
26 posted on
03/07/2017 6:36:18 PM PST by
(No spellcheck. It's too much work to undo the auto wrong word substitution on mobile devices.)
To: FlingWingFlyer
Sessions needs to get off his ass and do what Holder and Lynch would do in this situation.Won't do a damn thing. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson