I think you might be replying to someone else as I really didn’t get into Pakistan or anything along that line
However in reading your reply I think you may agree with what I’m beginning to see.. that there are multiple agendas going on in multiple directions.
That Dovetailes into the Greenwall article talking about different camps inside the Dem wanting to go in different directions
Obama in my opinion had an Islamic agenda. Hillary and many GOPe have globalist agenda. And those two camp are in an alliance convenience with each other. Really it two factions in the left. The old left that is a White European globalist And a third world minority Islamic left. Thinks stalinist left versus maoist left
As for Russia..it has a Russian nationalist agenda. So it’s not globalist nor Islamic but they do align with a Iran which is disturbing but again that Russia Iran thing maybe an alliance of convenience
So with Trump if you listen to the speech the other day been paying attention this seems to be a new alliance coming out anti globalist Pro the old traditional nation-state
Trump, the brexit vote, LePen rising in France we’re seeing an alliance the old judeo-christian nation-state .. what we used to call the West
I think Russia as it currently exists would find that it’s closest natural Ally
As for Greenwall being aligned with Snowden you say is in the Russian camp. I’m open to that idea I would throw Wiki leaks in that you could be Wikileaks is always been really a vehicle of the Russians
Multiple agendas running everywhere positively Byzantine
We certainly agree!