I’ve been baking cookies and making refrigerator magnets, which we will offer-for-a-donation along with the cookies. Kathleen has come down with something and has a fever; I gave her a dose of Tylenol and let her go back to bed. In less than an hour we’ll be off to our non-sale.
Bill is going try to change the oil in the BMW.
I’ve been filing and shredding, both overdue jobs, but totally necessary, since I no longer have hired help. Now I need to go have another breathing treatment! EEP!
One of the magnets came off the refrigerator magnet you sent, so I reattached it and let it sit for two days, so it’s gracing my fridge, now. :o]
I’m sorry about Kathleen!
Bill? Change the oil in the BMW? I hope he can find the 710 handle...