Well enough. It’s a sneezy time of year.
Monomorphic just ran it this morning. He's been working to clean up anomalous signal noise and has isolated damn near everything including circuitry inside a LiPO battery pack he was using.
For those not following this, this is a propellentless motor. It produces thrust from a microwave signal in an enclosed "frustum", or truncated cone.
Physics is still scratching it's head over how this works, but everyone is in agreement that if it works in a vacuum, it is a HUGE game changer.
This 1W blip on the trace jpg he took represents enough power to lift a single sheet of 8 1/2 x 11 paper. Seems negligible, but popular ion thrusters are a fraction of that and help satellites keep station in orbit. Power one of these EM drives at 1KW and you are producing some serious and continuous thrust.
Ie; Mars orbital insertion in DAYS instead of MONTHS.
Oh yeah... And possibly flying cars. Or... Castles? :-)